
The unique website which offers to professionals of textile all the information about garments from the beginning, the sketches, to the production, and the shipping

Texworld Paris - Feb 20
Avantex - February 2020
Texworld Denim Paris
Shawls and Scarves Paris

Mouvtex what's that ?

Mouvtex is dedicated to designers, brands, shops of Prêt-à-Porter industry : garments, accessories, but also home textile and professional garments. If you search a textile production, you will find a selection of suppliers in Europe, but also in Asia, in the Maghreb countries, in Egypt and in Turkey.


Find the supplier who has the ability to provide the product which you need in choosing by country, product, gender, style, minimum of order, material, content...


Get your products at the best price in working with the supplier who will be able to follow exactly your requests as the number of sizes, of colors, the lead time.

End Products

Discover end products in the quantities, the sizes, the colors.. corresponding to your needs with all the information about product specifications and order terms.

Service Providers

To transport, to control, to find an agent for your products in different countries and so to get the best services.

Our Advantages

The search of suppliers in textile

It can be made according to several criteria : by countries, by contents, by products, by styles, etc.

The specific textile sourcing

Your collection has a specific style : casual, citywear, jeanswear, or trendy, the factory you search will be in the manufacturers list that will be displayed. But if you wish to change your style or develop your collection with ceremony products, wedding wear or maternity wear, you will find these styles on our website. To complete your sketches, accessories suppliers, as caps, hats, scarves, gloves, will offer you also their productions. You can select the gender between babies, children, women and men.

The range of textiles

The range of products is wide because it can be done by knitted products : tee-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts. There is also a choice in knitwear with sweaters and cardigans. The pieces in woven fabric can be in light fabric for shirts, skirts, dresses or pants, but also in heavy fabric for coats, jackets or parkas..

It can be technic fabrics for jogging suits, swimsuits, lingerie or underwear.

The proposed materials are basics, cotton, denim, polyester, wool or more luxurious, silk, cashmere, linen and also pelts and furs. But organic garments are not forgotten.

Recent News


Services Sector - January 2020

To complete the product offer, we have integrated a service sector to assist creators, buyers, clothing manufacturers and all companies related to the textile industry. A meeting place to find new solutions...


Leatherworld Paris - February 2020

About thirty exhibitors are expected with an alternative offer to animal materials, displaying an immense variety of leather and fur substitutes to be found in many variations of textures and colors, from multiple destinations.


Texworld Paris - February 2020

Texworld Paris, and its international offer of fabrics, supplies and accessories through 750 exhibitors from more than 25 countries.


Apparel Sourcing Paris - February 2020

With 400 exhibitors expected and the booming Knitted and Tailored sectors, the Europe's laergest clothing sourcing exhibition gets ready to host an increasinggly international offer.

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